The Three Pillars of Exceptional Project Management

Project management, especially in the IT realm, has always commanded my respect. The role is fraught with challenges that require skilled individuals who are not only strong communicators but also calm under pressure. They must juggle competing priorities, manage personality conflicts, and ensure stakeholders remain satisfied.

Having had the privilege of working with some outstanding project managers, I’ve identified three core qualities that set the best apart. Here they are:

1. Clear Communication

Exceptional project managers excel in providing clear, concise updates. They keep stakeholders informed with straightforward written and verbal communication. Many project managers struggle in this area because it’s challenging to distill complex project details into easy-to-understand updates. The temptation is to draft lengthy emails filled with minutiae, believing that more information equates to better communication. However, this often leads to confusion and frustration. Stakeholders appreciate clarity and brevity—updates that get to the point without getting bogged down in the weeds.

2. Ownership and Drive

Projects are inherently complex and messy, which is precisely why project managers are indispensable. The best project managers alleviate their bosses’ stress by taking full ownership of their projects. They drive the work forward, ensuring progress and addressing issues head-on. While there are times when they need to escalate problems to leadership, great project managers know when to ask for help and when to forge ahead independently. They possess a relentless drive to see projects through to successful completion, doing whatever it takes to lead their teams effectively.

3. Positive Attitude

A project manager’s attitude can make or break a project. If they become negative, the entire team can lose morale. It’s crucial for project managers to maintain a positive outlook, even when the going gets tough. Every IT project I’ve encountered has faced its share of stress and issues. Problems are inevitable, but a project manager who stays positive can inspire their team to persevere. This is the essence of leadership. As Colin Powell learned in infantry school: “No matter how cold, hungry, or scared you are, you must never show it. Your demeanor sets the tone for your team.” Project managers must embody this principle, displaying confidence and optimism regardless of the circumstances.


Project management is a demanding field, reflected in the high demand for skilled project managers. If you aspire to stand out, focus on these three pillars: communicate clearly, take full ownership of your projects, and maintain a positive attitude. By doing so, you’ll not only lead your projects to success but also inspire and motivate your team to achieve their best.